Home Page

Year 3B

Welcome to Year 3B!


Our amazing team consists of Miss Wellbourn and Miss Andrews, as well as working closely with Miss Tuplin and the staff in 3T!


On this page you will find essential information about your child's class and the pages for all our projects. Within these pages, you will find homework, knowledge organisers and pictures of what we are learning in school.


Children will continue to come to school in their P.E kits on their allocated P.E days. Please consider the weather and ensure appropriate clothing and footwear (in line with our school uniform) are worn. P.E days will be on Monday morning with J.B Sports and on a Wednesday afternoon. 


Please also ensure your child has water in the bottle they will use throughout the day, they may drink squash with their lunch. 


Homework is due one per term and children will have a choice of which piece to do. The children will have their reading book which will go home with them, and I encourage the children to read aloud to you as much as possible. In KS2, reading is slightly different and books can be changed once we have seen that your child has read at home. This will help support their reading fluency and help support them in making progression with reading. It is also good practice to reread books for fluency and retention/ comprehension. Spellings will also be given out on a weekly basis to be learnt at home along with an ongoing expectation of Times Table practise, which can be done using the Times Table Rock Stars app.


If you need to contact me at any time, please fill in the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued support. 


Let's have a great year.

Miss Wellbourn

Miss Wellbourn
