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W.B. Monday 25th January 2021



Please spend the time listening and watching the introduction video below, so that you are clear of this week's remote learning expectations.

I will be reading the class book to the children in school on a Friday afternoon at 2:00pm. I would like children at home to have the opportunity to be involved in this and can be done using Microsoft Teams. This can be done through the internet browser or can be downloaded as an app on most devices. If you would like to be involved in this then email Mr Roberts on the email address below by 3:00pm Thursday, so that a link can be sent to attend this.

Monday 25th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars - Please spend 15minutes on this to work on your times tables.

Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page.


Mr Roberts' group please attempt the question sheets. There is a video link, which talks through the questions and the method if you find it difficult to check answers as well. Because of this being a statistics unit some of the questions, you will need to watch the video to help answer some of the questions.

Lesson 3: Phonics (30mins) - Now that we have come to the end of the CGP books for phonics, lessons will now be delivered as pre-recorded videos. Please follow the link which will take you to the Year 1 page where all of the phonics lessons have been prepared. I have emailed everyone to say what group children are in but please email if you are still unsure.
Lesson 4: English (1 hour) - Please watch the video for full instructions on the tasks in today's lesson.

Lesson 5: R.E (40mins) -

1) Look at the flags in the images below.

2) What do you think the messages are on the flags and what could be their purpose?

3) Tibetan Buddhists put new prayer flags up each Losar to send messages of compassion and loving-kindness to others.

4) What important message would you like to send to the world?

5) Design your own flag on the document below. Include a key message as well as adding creative patterns or drawings to your design.


EXTENSION - If you want to, you can write your message up onto a piece of fabric.

Lesson 6: Music (40mins) - Listen to the pieces of music that were played at the Queen's Coronation on the document below. How do they make you feel? What kind of atmosphere do they create? Can you move around in the manner that the music creates?

Tuesday 26th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars - Please spend 15minutes on this to work on your times tables.

Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page.


Mr Roberts' group please attempt the question sheets. There is a video link, which talks through the questions and the method if you find it difficult to check answers as well. Because of this being a statistics unit some of the questions, you will need to watch the video to help answer some of the questions.

Lesson 3: Phonics (30mins) - Now that we have come to the end of the CGP books for phonics, lessons will now be delivered as pre-recorded videos. Please follow the link which will take you to the Year 1 page where all of the phonics lessons have been prepared. I have emailed everyone to say what group children are in but please email if you are still unsure.
Lesson 4: English (1 hour) - Please watch the video for full instructions on the tasks in today's lesson.

Lesson 5: History - The Queen's Coronation - this lesson will explore a significant event in History.


1) Look through the presentation below and describe what you think the images are showing.

2) Look closely at the dates of the pictures.

3) What is a coronation? Why was this such a significant moment for the Queen?

4) Using the document below and the internet, create a collage of pictures of the coronation. You can either:

 - Use an app of computer program to create this and print it off.

 - Print some pictures off to stick on a piece of paper.

 - Draw a picture of the coronation.

5) Add some information to your collage which describes the coronation of the Queen and its significance in History.

Wednesday 27th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars - Please spend 15minutes on this to work on your times tables.

Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page.


Mr Roberts' group please attempt the question sheets. There is a video link, which talks through the questions and the method if you find it difficult to check answers as well.


This is an end of unit check lesson, so once you have completed the sheet below please complete the following:


Pages 16 - 17 in your CGP 10minute weekly workout book.

Lesson 3: Phonics (30mins) - Now that we have come to the end of the CGP books for phonics, lessons will now be delivered as pre-recorded videos. Please follow the link which will take you to the Year 1 page where all of the phonics lessons have been prepared. I have emailed everyone to say what group children are in but please email if you are still unsure.
Lesson 4: English (1 hour) - Please watch the video for full instructions on the tasks in today's lesson.

Lesson 5: PSHE  (1 hour) - This term we are considering how we can 'Aim high' and consider our best qualities and achievements.


Have a look through the presentations below and complete the sheets which go with each presentation.

Lesson 6: P.E (30mins) - Have a look through the JB Sports booklet for this week's challenge.

Thursday 28th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars - Please spend 15minutes on this to work on your times tables.

Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page.


Mr Roberts' group we are now onto the new unit of Length and Height. So please watch the video below which will explain how to use a ruler properly for measuring and drawing.

Now, please attempt the questions which you should already have in front of you. I have attached them underneath but these have had to be screenshot onto the document so may be a different size to the ones used in the answer video.
Lesson 3: Phonics (30mins) - Now that we have come to the end of the CGP books for phonics, lessons will now be delivered as pre-recorded videos. Please follow the link which will take you to the Year 1 page where all of the phonics lessons have been prepared. I have emailed everyone to say what group children are in but please email if you are still unsure.
Lesson 4: English (1 hour) - Please watch the video for full instructions on the tasks in today's lesson.

Lesson 5: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (30mins) -


1) Complete spelling test for this week (Set 4).

2) Mark and send score to Mr Roberts.

3) Complete Page 17 in your CGP Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Book.


Lesson 6: Geography - Map Skills


1) Have a look at the document below and describe what you can see on the map.

2) Now, have a look at the document below. The map below shows exactly the same place but this time it is in the present day. Whereas the map above was from the 1950s.

3) On this map, put a circle around the differences you can see on it compared to the first one.

4) Why do you think the place on the map has changed so much? What has caused these changes?

Friday 29th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars - Please spend 15minutes on this to work on your times tables.

Lesson 2: Maths  (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page for your work.


Mr Roberts' group please attempt the questions which you should already have in front of you. I have attached them underneath but these have had to be screenshot onto the document so may be a different size to the ones used in the answer video.

Lesson 3: Phonics (30mins) - Now that we have come to the end of the CGP books for phonics, lessons will now be delivered as pre-recorded videos. Please follow the link which will take you to the Year 1 page where all of the phonics lessons have been prepared. I have emailed everyone to say what group children are in but please email if you are still unsure.

Lesson 4: English (1 hour) - Please complete the following:


 - CGP Comprehension Book, Pages 15, 16 and 17.

 - CGP Handwriting Book, Pages 22 and 23.


Lesson 5: P.E - Have a look at the Body Coach YouTube Channel to find some workouts you can complete at home.

Extra Activities:


So for this week's project themed extra activities, I have been looking at some of the outdoor games children would play in the 1950s. Some of them you may still play today! Here is a list of the ones we are going to try in school. Use the internet to find out what they are and see if you can play them:


 - Hide and Go Seek

 - Kick the Can

 - Hop Scotch

 - Red Rover

 - Mother, May I?

 - Jumping Rope

 - Queenie, Queenie, who's got the ball?
