Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - I have recorded videos for both groups, so please follow the sub pages below to complete the work for your group. If you are not sure which group you are in, then please email Mr Roberts.
When completing the work you can either: answer all of the questions and then watch the videos to mark the work and check or you can watch the video and complete the questions at the same time.
1) Complete the Adjective Starter sheet - just complete the circling part.
2) Make notes on the plan for writing a diary entry as if you are a pupil at a Victorian school. Think about all of the research you have done this week as well as last week to help you fill in the notes.
3) Write up your notes into a short diary entry, you must include what you did before the lesson, during and after. Then, also make sure to include how it made you feel in each part.
4) Use the checklist to make sure you have included everything you need in the diary entry. If you have missed any out then please go back and add it into your work.
Lesson 5: Reading or NESSY (15minutes) - If your child knows they do NESSY in school, then please email Mr Roberts for login details if they cannot remember them.
If you do not do NESSY, then please choose a book to read. I know it is difficult to read your school book at the minute because they have not been swapped for a long time. However, use this time to read something different - a children's magazine or newspaper, a children's website (BBC Bitesize or newsround do interesting articles), a free reading book you have always wanted to read!
Lesson 6: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (30mins) -
1) Complete spelling test for this week (Set 3).
2) Mark and send score to Mr Roberts.
3) Complete the activities below and check them from the answer sheets. I have created a video, which runs through these as well.
Lesson 7: Geography (30mins) - In today's lesson, we are going to look at comparing a map of Spilsby during the Victorian times and nowadays.
1) Spend some time looking at the websites below and use the toggle on the site to show how the map has changed from the different time periods.
2) Fill in the comparison sheet to write down some of the changes that have happened in Spilsby.