Log in to TTRS using your login from your reading record and work on this for around 15 minutes.
Today, Maths is all about learning how your facts can be related! Your work sheet to complete today is Page 23 of your targeted question book and it is getting you to understand that if 3x2=6, then 3x20 must be 60. Once you have completed this page, please complete exercise 1 of your mental workout book.
If you have a Y1 version of books, please visit the Year 1 page to see what to complete for Maths today.
Please follow the link below to take you to Mrs Jeffery's page for English today.
This week we are also looking at Roman roads and towns. There are 2 activities for this after reading the presentation. First, look at the cards and write them into 2 groups to decide if what they say are TRUE or FALSE about Roman roads.
Once you have done this, have a go at drawing a labelled Roman town using the presentation to help.