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Lesson 1 - Maths

15 minute starter 

Practise your 10 times table on Times Tables Rock Stars - your child's login can be found in their yellow reading record book. Remember I can see who has logged on and how long for. 


Today is the end of unit check so there is no video. Your parent / carer will read you the questions on the sheet today. Once you have completed this please complete the page in the CGP book below.

Complete the following pages:

  •  CGP Targeted Study and Question Book (blue book) - 'Subtracting', pages 28 - 29

If your child has been given the CGP Maths Workout Reception Level please follow the link below and complete session 3


Lesson 2 - Phonics

Book 3

  • 'ng', pages 42 - 43 
  • 'Grand Finale, pages 44 - 46


Book 4

  • 'Spelling Long Words', pages 42 - 43
  • 'Grand Finale', pages 44 - 46

Book 5

  • 'Compound Words', pages 42 - 43
  • 'Grand Finale', pages 44 - 46

Lesson 3 - Reading Comprehension

CGP KS1 English Comprehension Targeted Question Book - 'In my pencil case' page 8 and 'What is the order?' page 9

Lesson 4 - Project Quiz

Class TEAMS meeting

