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Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstar or Numbots: Spend 15minutes on either one of these sites. The login details are the same for both.

Lesson 2: Maths - We are currently recapping lots of work from the beginning of the year and re doing some of the sheets from then.

So there are lots of questions to have a go at. I would recommend work through them for an hour and then stop when you reach an hour's worth of questions.

Lesson 3: Phonics - Follow the link below to phonics play. Spends 30minutes playing through some of the games and activities further down the page.

Lesson 4: English - I would like you to start planning a letter back to Captain Longbeard to explain what you are going to be doing at the pirate party. In your plan think about the following:


 - The activities you are going to complete.

 - What you are going to be dressed up as.

 - What you are looking forward to the most!


Below are some of the activities you will be doing:


 - Cannonball dodgeball.

 - Famous pirate research.

 - Hook making craft activity.

 - Treasure hunt.

 - Listening to pirate stories.

 - Group games.


Lesson 5: Punctuation and Grammar -


1) Run through the powerpoint below to remind yourself of the different 'word class' there are.

2) Have a go at creating some expanded noun phrases in the document.
