Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page for your work.
Mr Roberts' group please complete the following:
1) CGP Mental Workout book - Exercise 7.
2) CGP Green Book Pages 70 - 77.
Lesson 4: English (1 hour) - Please complete the following:
1) CGP Comprehension Book, Pages 18 - 21: Because the texts and questions are beginning to increase in difficulty, I have created a video below to help with reading the text and questions.
Extra Activities:
So for this week's extra activity, I have decided to break away from the project a little bit and in school we are going to have a go at learning some dance styles! So my challenge to you if you would like to take part is to learn a dance of your choice. There are many Just Dance videos on YouTube if you want to learn one of those or you could pick a favourite song and make up your own dance to it!
I am looking forward to seeing what you can create! I may even give out some credits and special mentions for those children who really show off their best dance moves! Remember this is only optional and is all about having a bit of fun!