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Art & Design




“Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness.”  Anni Albers


At Spilsby Primary Academy, we understand that art and being creative are a vital part of our children’s education. Through our skills and knowledge-based curriculum, we aim for our pupils to be engaged, inspired and challenged whilst experimenting, inventing and creating their own works of art, crafts and designs. We want our pupils to experience a wide ranging, well sequenced progression of skills to support their art development and show an appreciation of a variety of cultural heritages and range of artists.




  •  Teachers will promote inclusivity through quality first teaching using high quality resources provided through the online Cornerstones scheme
  • Teaching is progressive and builds skills and knowledge in a well-thought-out sequence, created through companion projects Artist workshops and case studies
  • Opportunities to publish their work Taking part in community initiatives and competitions.


The fundamentals

  • Enabling children to develop their creative flair
  • Children to become competent in choosing their own media and applying appropriate skills Encourage a lifelong love of art and design

Absolutely beautiful results from our Ammonite 'Print it' session and such resilience demonstrated, well done Y3

Absolutely amazing landscapes in Y4. We've been learning about composition & atmospheric perspective & have created these fab mountain pictures using different sketching pencils & fine liner pens as part of our Vista project.

Year 4 have been learning about landscapes. The children looked at examples of famous landscapes and discussed composition. They then learned how to use a viewfinder and used their own to compose and draw a pencil sketch of the school field.

Year 6 used their knowledge of Inuit carving to create a soap stone 3D model in the style of one of the significant artists . Care then had to be taken to use the different shaping tools and work slowly to avoid mistakes ( large lumps of soap breaking off). Finally the piece was gently carved to ensure smooth lines and animal details.

Year 6 explored the different techniques needed to use a stencil and create a print. They then chose their Arctic animal and carefully used the craft knife to create the outline in the plastic sheet. Care was then taken to lift the animal shape out of the plastic sheet and have a completed template. The children then worked slowly with sponges to dab the paint onto the template and create the full shape.

Year 2 transformed into magnificent artists today, selecting their own objects to produce their own Still Life artwork. We practised our sketching skills, followed by using water colour paints. The children all produced some fantastic pieces, focusing on the composition, foreground and background of their work.

A beautiful Art display for our contrast and complement companion project. Y3 chose a picture, picked out the colours used and made them with watercolours before using them to create their own picture

Year 5 have been learning how to mix tints, tones and shades. We used our knowledge to identify, mix and record colours from a piece of artwork.

Year 3 have started exploring with watercolours and learnt that more water makes the colour lighter. During the next lesson they also learnt about the colour wheel, cool colours, warm colours, tertiary colours, complementary colours and contrasting colours. Lots of new knowledge!

Using their knowledge so far on primary and secondary colours, Year 2 became printmaking artists. They shaped and pressed objects into clay to make textures, patterns and imprints. They took their sticky knowledge of colours can be mixed indirectly, for example, printing over a red print block with a yellow print block will make an orange print block and creating pieces of art that even Wassily Kandinsky would be proud of!

Loving the art progression in Year 4. From first experimenting with water colours, looking at artists' works to matching palettes used in famous pieces to create their very own! Look at the skills on show

Year 6 recapped on their prior knowledge and understanding of colour: recalling the primary colours and colour mixing to create secondary colours. The next activity enabled the children to explore tints, tones and shades by practically creating their own mood board or montage. Tints, tones and shades were created by choosing a base colour ( primary or secondary colour) and adding blobs of white, black or grey to increase lightness, darkness or the colours vibrancy. 

Year 4 are loving our companion project: Contrast and Complement. We're loving looking really closely at how artists use colour. Today we've been mixing watercolours to colour-match with famous paintings.

Year 3 learnt about the Beaker Folk and Bell Beaker style pottery. The children then had a go at designing their own pot ready to make later in the week.

Year 6 enjoyed working artistically today, sketching landscapes and adding watercolour.

Year 1 looked at a range of animal furs and skins. They observed the patterns and textures closely and then used to paint to create our own interpretation of the animal markings.

Year 6 began their ‘Arts Week’ activities with Chinese Music inspired artwork. They listened to music to inspire their creations; using dots, curves, patterns, lines and shapes, with colour as a medium to represent the intensity of the music.

Year 1 worked to create an ant out of pipe cleaners, egg boxes and other materials. They also used pipe cleaners for the ant’s legs and antennae, attaching them to the correct body part. They painted the ant brown and we will display it with others to make a class ant army.

Year 4 learned about what embossing is and how to use different tools to emboss foil. We created our own designs and then embossed them onto foil trays. We thought carefully about the tools we used and how it would look in our design.

Year 1 worked in pairs to sketch each other in our regal poses. We learnt that a sketch is a quickly-produced or unfinished drawing, which helps artists develop their ideas.

Year 1 then went on to using art software to make a digital portrait using line only. We explored different drawing effects to create a sketch of a famous monarch.

Year 5 and 6 completed their companion project by recreating a piece of artwork from the inspirational black artists. They used a variety of manipulation skills and tools to model their sculptures, or different blending and brushstrokes to paint a copy of their favourite painting.

Year 6 have looked at a variety of black artists. They have researched their backgrounds and the different styles favoured by the artist. They then had to critique the artwork and add their comments to the piece. Questions included: how has the artist used colour, are there repeating patterns, what are your eyes drawn to in the artwork, what mood is the artist trying to create, and how has the artist used light and shadow to highlight.

Weaving this afternoon in Y4 as part of our Warp and Weft companion project. Resilience and patience were the key, and lots of pride when we could see it coming together! Hope to see some completed ones after the holidays.

Some real resilience is needed from our year 3s for our Warp and Weft project, brilliant effort so far!

Year 2 used the IPads to create a digital portrait of their classmate to compare it to the one they created yesterday using a sketching pencil.

Totally blown away by the Still Life pieces by Year 2. From discussing famous artwork, to colour mixing, from sketching to painting, the children persevered & showed hidden talents to be proud of

Year 5 and 6 used a printing technique to create the different phases of the moon: the skill of transferring art materials from one surface to another.

Year 3 and 4 enjoying a relaxing afternoon through their 'Vista' project. The children were exploring at cool and warm colours to contribute to our landscapes tomorrow. Excellent concentration.

The finished landscapes from Year 3! Absolutely blown away by our artists who showed incredible effort and concentration

Year 2R created some carnival collages for their Rio de Vida project in Art. They used different colours and textures to create their finished piece.

The reception children have been learning about Bonfire Night. We created our own piece of firework salt art. The children observed the effects of the combined media.

Year 2 have been using blending techniques with soft pastels to create an amazing piece of art based on The Great Fire of London. I was blown away by your concentration, resilience & knowledge of your project

Mastering our use of watercolours in Y3 this afternoon by creating a beach inspired piece of art. Excellent concentration and resilience creating a beautifully calm classroom.

A fantastic afternoon in creating beach & seascapes with watercolour paints in Y4. We looked at examples by different artists & then used skills of mixing paint, using different amounts of paint & using water to create effects to paint our own

Year 2 used fabric material and fabric pens to make a pirate bandana in preparation for their pirate day later on this week!

This afternoon, Year 2 used clay modeling skills and tools to create some sea creatures.

Blown away by the amazing whale eyes by Y4 in art. Inspired by 'The Tale of the Whale', a beautiful picture book about the effects of plastic pollution, we looked carefully at the shape of the eye & used pencil, crayon & pastels to draw & shade

KS1 used different resources to create a wave art piece. They had been inspired by examples of existing work and then attempted their own!

Year 2 used a layering technique in Art, they used cardboard to create a 3D effect. Lots of concentration to master this skill ready for tomorrow when they make their own!

Amazing the power a post-it note has to get children engaged! Year 2 offered feedback to their peers for the artwork they created last week. This was all part of the evaluation stage of their companion project

Year 6 explored the traditional art works created by the Inuit people of the Arctic. They investigated the different techniques and styles used and the materials they worked with. They then created their own Polar animal sculpture by recreating the traditional techniques using a block of soap. They soon realised that patience was key and slow scraping movements were needed, to ensure not too much pressure was applied and to minimise large chunks breaking off. 

Year 2 looked at how artist, James Rizzi used colour in his work. They identified and painted the primary colours on to their wheel and then combined these to make the secondary colours.

To start their companion project of 'Street View', Year 2 looked around the school and took pictures of the different buildings. They then used the iPads to draw around the different shapes and features they could see in the buildings. This skill will be used by the children throughout the week when they create their own 3D house designs.

An excellent Art lesson in year 3 this afternoon looking at 'Love Potion' by Evelyn de Morgan and other love inspired art. Amazing resilience shown by the children when completing the pictures,

Year 6 used different colouring techniques and art materials to create their own Northern Lights artwork.

Some of our amazing artwork today by our year 5's as they improve their mastery of drawing techniques with a range of different pencils.

Year 6 have been using their art skills to complete the classroom ‘Beast Creator’

Year 1 using a range of materials creatively to design and make their wire flowers.

Year 2 have been using florist wire and tissue paper to create some rainforest leaves. They researched some example leaves from rainforests around the world before designing their own and then making it

Tree boggarts in Y1. Brilliant skills on show as the children used lots of different natural materials to design and make their work.

Amazing self portraits in Reception! The children have been using mirrors to notice their facial features, including the colour of their hair and colour of their eyes. They have been noticing their similarities and differences to their peers and their families. We are all unique and special!

Year 6 worked hard to improve their art techniques by decorating their sculpted Canopic Jars.

In art and design, Year 2 used their sketching skills and added colour to create some wonderful plant drawings.

SO pleased with the outcomes of this piece of work! Year 3 worked on 'improving their mastery of art and design' and used watercolours to create a background for a Stonehenge silhouette

An excellent afternoon, using their clay modelling skills and natural resources to create a tree boggart.

Year 1C making tree boggarts in the woodland area. Creating faces in the clay, using natural resources, such as bark, leaves and flowers.

We looked at examples of prehistoric pots, learned about the methods and tools that were used by stone age people to make them and then created our own out of clay. They are called pinch pots because we start by making a hole in the clay with our thumb and then pinch around the edge to make the pot shape. We designed our own decorations in our sketch books and then put them onto our pots using sticks we collected from outside and our own fingernails. We are so creative!

A busy afternoon in Year 1 creating pictures of The Great Fire of London. The children used chalk to help draw and share their ideas and imagination.

Great art techniques on show by Y5 and 6 today. Using clay to create a 3-D sculpture of the heart showing the different arteries, veins and chambers.

Year 3 have shown great #artanddesign knowledge over the last two days to create a #GreekGod inspired #laurelwreath and #weapon but will #Zeus deem them to be worthy enough to enter #MountOlympus ?

A very messy afternoon in Art as Year 3 have started their sculpting of Greek Gods and Goddesses! They have used mudroc to create the sculpture, they will paint them over the course of the week!

After spending the day researching Zeus, we sculpted clay model heads of the King of the Gods. ⚡

Reception C received a letter from Jack Frost asking for the children to help solve a problem. Santa’s sleigh had broken down so they needed to design a new way for him to deliver the presents. The children chose from either Lego, drawing or junk modelling to create their plan. The children came up with some great ideas!

Another great afternoon of art work for year 6: using different materials to create their own Blitzkrieg scene.

A fantastic afternoon in Year 3! They had to create their own 3D sculptures of fruit and vegetables; either real life food or an imaginary one. They started by designing their creations in their book and then moved on to using play dough to create their final masterpiece.

A few examples of the artwork from Year 5 this afternoon. They used chalk and black paper to create some designs based on the Blitz in World War 2

Year 4 designed, made and painted clay models of an imaginary fruit this week! We used them this afternoon to begin writing our nonsense poetry.

Year 4 had a great time designing and creating an imaginary fruit for Art this afternoon! We are preparing to paint them exotic colours.

Reception B and C worked together to use their handprints to make a poppy for Remembrance Day.

Year 5 have worked so hard this week with their remembrance art and DT project. They sketched their designs and then transferred them to black paper. They then used a craft knife to cut out their pattern. Finally they cut pieces of tissue paper to the correct size and stuck them to the back of the design to create the finished poppy-themed stained glass windows. It required real patience and precision and the children have excelled themselves.

Year 6 are creating their Remembrance Day artwork: combining different materials to create textural effect.

Year 5 used the characteristics of abstract artist Peter Thorpe to inspire their own space-themed pictures. they discussed and used a range of different elements in their work such as light, shape, colour and pattern.

Year 2 had a go at ink marbling for Muck, Mess and Mixtures! They thought carefully about the colours and the different textures and tones when they are mixed together.

Year 1 have been exploring the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. They used similar ideas (fruits and vegetables) to create their own human portraits, paying particular attention to facial features.

Year 3 finished their Mighty Metals project by creating some pieces of art. They improved their art techniques by using paint and materials.

Reception have one more sleep until their Rainbow Party! Today our chefs decorated cakes to make them #rainbow party worthy. We talked about colour changes & shades & then decorated to our hearts content! We can't wait!

Reception have been creating their own self portraits. We looked at our similarities and differences. We chose the colours for our eyes, hair and skin carefully and cut the wool to match the length of our hair. 💗💗💗 #perfect

Year 6 are using different art techniques to create their own galaxies. The children worked extremely hard to improve their mastery of art techniques.

Mr Roberts had a lovely afternoon in Year 5 where they created a piece of art using chalk to show the different moon phases! Afterwards they discussed the different methods and approaches they used to create the desired affect.

How amazing to see all of our children's artwork at Spilsby Light Night. An awesome project that many turned out to see, community engagement at it's finest. Well done to everyone involved.

KS2's first workshop with artist William Lindley is underway at St James' Church. They are preparing their work for the inaugural Spilsby Light Night on March 8th and 9th.

KS1's contribution to Light Night. They really enjoyed cutting out the stars and sticking them to the jars to make them look like a sky.
