15 minute starter
Practise your 10 times table on Times Tables Rock Stars - your child's login can be found in their yellow reading record book. Remember I can see who has logged on and how long for.
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Today I would like you to use your mind map from yesterday to write a paragraph about what you would do if you were Queen for the day. You should aim for at least 7 sentences and they should all have a capital letter at the beginning, finger spaces between the words and a full stop at the end.
Try challenge yourself to use 'and' in your writing and maybe you could even include an exclamation mark.
Lesson 4 - Art
In today's lesson we are going to do something a bit creative. In English we have been reading the story The Queen's Knickers, so today I would like you to choose one of the tasks below to complete, if you would like to do all three I would be super impressed.
Use the templates below to help or you can draw straight into your book.
Lesson 5 : SPAG
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Targeted Question Book - 'Joining words with and', page 4
You can use the word and to join other words together. For example 'I have a cat and a dog.'