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Lesson 1 - Maths

15 minute starter 

Practise your 10 times table on Times Tables Rock Stars - your child's login can be found in their yellow reading record book. Remember I can see who has logged on and how long for. 


Watch the video and complete the worksheets below. If you cannot print worksheets at home your child can complete the work in their red exercise book.

Solving word problems - addition and subtraction

Still image for this video
If your child has been given the CGP Maths Workout Reception Level please follow the link below and complete session 2

Lesson 2 - Phonics

Book 3

  • 'More Tricky Words', pages 40 - 41

Book 4

  • 'ure', pages 40 - 41 


Book 5

  • 'Writing Tricky Words 4', pages 40 - 41

Lesson 3 - English

Today I would like you to use your mind map from yesterday to write a paragraph about what you would do if you were Queen for the day. You should aim for at least 7 sentences and they should all have a capital letter at the beginning, finger spaces between the words and a full stop at the end. 

Try challenge yourself to use 'and' in your writing and maybe you could even include an exclamation mark. 

Lesson 4 - Art

In today's lesson we are going to do something a bit creative. In English we have been reading the story The Queen's Knickers, so today I would like you to choose one of the tasks below to complete, if you would like to do all three I would be super impressed.

  • Design a new pair of knickers for the Queen to wear on different occasions. What might her VIP (Very Important Pair) look like? 
  • Design some special stamps to celebrate a Royal occasion
  • Colour, paint or use other art materials to draw a portrait of the Queen.


Use the templates below to help or you can draw straight into your book.

Lesson 5 : SPAG

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Targeted Question Book - 'Joining words with and', page 4


You can use the word and to join other words together. For example 'I have a cat and a dog.'
