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Lesson 1 - Maths

10 minute starter 

Click on the link below and play blast off - Find a number - Direct 10 - 20 

Today is the introduction to our new unit in maths: Numbers to 20. Please watch the video below and complete the pages in your CGP workbooks.


Unit 6 - Numbers to 20

Still image for this video
If your child has been given the CGP Maths Workout Reception Level please follow the link below and complete session 4

Lesson 2 - Phonics

Your child will now have completed all the pages in their CGP phonics book provided by school. Therefore, over the next three weeks Mrs Coulthard and I will be delivering daily phonics lessons. These lessons will be the same as the ones delivered in school so it is important your child completes the work they are given. You will have been sent an email which informs you of your child's group.

Lesson 3 - English

This week in English you will be learning about everyday life in the 1950s. You will be writing some information about the different aspects of everyday life and thinking about how it is different from life today. You could even speak to an elderly relative about what life was like when they were a child!


Click on the link and watch the video below. 

Read the information about shopping in the 1950s. Use the sheet below to write a sentence for each picture. If you don't have a printer at home you could draw each picture in your red exercise book and write a sentence underneath. It is important that you try to spell words independently, you can use the sound card below to help - remember it doesn't matter if words are spelt wrong as long as you have used your sounds.

Lesson 4 - Music

Today we have a new song, a lively song to wake you up. Your challenge is to learn the dance and if you’re lucky enough to have a garden, take your Wake Up! dance outside and share it with your neighbours, the birds, the bees and the fresh air! If not you can do your Wake Up! dance inside and share with your family, if you want to film it and send it us, we would love to see your Wake Up! dances.

Wake Up! School Assembly Song and Dance from Songs For EVERY Assembly by Out of the Ark Music

This song is available as part of Universal Access. Universal Access gives you digital access to over 900 Out of the Ark Songs, plus videos, assembly plans a...

Lesson 5 - RE

Today in RE we are going to be thinking about the importance of telling the truth and being honest. 

Have a think about what is a lie? A lie is something that is not real, or true. For example if someone said that the sun was cold, they would be telling a lie. 


I would like you to read the story below, this story is called The Boy Who Cried Wolf. When you have read the story I would like you to have a think about how does it feel when people lie to us? and why is it important to tell the truth? 

People sometimes lie to get themselves out of trouble. People sometimes lie because they are embarrassed or ashamed. People sometimes lie to get away with something they have done wrong. Everyone has to make choices. If we have done something wrong, the best thing we can do is tell the truth.


Muhammad was called Al-Amin which means the trustworthy. He was called this because he was so kind to everyone he met. When he was given things to sell he would take them to the market and bring all the money back without taking any for himself.


Listen to the story of Muhammad and Khadijah and then for toady's task can you draw the ways Muhammad was trustworthy. For example you could draw people travelling on camels across the desert as Muhammad travelled and sold goods for people or you could draw somebody counting money as Muhammad would always bring all the money he made back to the people.

