Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - I have recorded videos for both groups, so please follow the sub pages below to complete the work for your group. If you are not sure which group you are in, then please email Mr Roberts.
When completing the work you can either: answer all of the questions and then watch the videos to mark the work and check or you can watch the video and complete the questions at the same time.
Lesson 4: English (1hour) - Please follow the instructions below:
1) Read through your planning from yesterday's lesson. Make sure you are happy with what you have written.
2) Use the template below or write straight into your project book your letter about your contribution the school. You can write it to either Mrs Bremner or Mr Clarke. Remember all of the things from Tuesday's lesson, which need to be included in the letter.
3) Use the checklist to check you have not forgotten to include anything in your work.
Lesson 5: Reading or NESSY (15minutes) - If your child knows they do NESSY in school, then please email Mr Roberts for login details if they cannot remember them.
If you do not do NESSY, then please choose a book to read. I know it is difficult to read your school book at the minute because they have not been swapped for a long time. However, use this time to read something different - a children's magazine or newspaper, a children's website (BBC Bitesize or newsround do interesting articles), a free reading book you have always wanted to read!
Lesson 6: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (30mins) -
1) Complete spelling test for this week (Set 4).
2) Mark and send score to Mr Roberts.
3) Complete the activities below, there are answer sheets in the document too.