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Lesson 1 - Maths

15 minute starter 

Practise your 10 times tables on Times Table Rock Stars.


Comparing numbers of objects

Still image for this video
If your child has been given the CGP Maths Workout Reception Level please follow the link below and complete session 1

Lesson 2 - Phonics


Lesson 3 - English

As experts on the topic of childhood, you are going to make a knowledge organiser for other children who are about to study this topic. Your knowledge organiser should help them to learn and remember important information about this topic.


This week in your English lessons you are going to complete a series of steps to accomplish this challenge.


Step 1 

Choose three important historical words or phrases you want to include in your knowledge organiser glossary. Write a definition for each of them.


Step 1 - Glossary

Lesson 4 - Music

This week Out of the Ark Music have worked closely with Singing Hands to produce Makaton-signing videos for five of our popular songs. Makaton uses signs and symbols to help some people who may have trouble hearing, communicate. 

Using Makaton with songs transforms singing into a multisensory learning experience, as the signs turn the lyrics into a visual performance. Makaton with singing is a fun way to learn and for everyone to join in.


Can you watch the Wake Up! video below and learn the signs to go with the song. 

You can even send us a video of your new skill.


For an extra challenge I have put the link below for the other 4 songs for you to learn.

Wake Up! - Makaton Signing with Singing Hands and Out of the Ark Music

Lesson 5 - RE

Today in RE we are going to be learning why Muhammad is special to Muslims and who is special to you.

Watch the video clip below and while you are watching it, have a think about why did Muhammad leave Mecca (also known as Makkah)? Who was the first ever Muslim? How did he travel to Yathrib? What is the journey across the desert called?


I would like you to have a think who is special to you and why? It could be your mum, dad or carer because they look after you and feed you lovely meals. Or it could be a teacher at school who makes you smile. 

Your job today is to draw that special person and write a simple sentence underneath about why they are special to you.
