The Equality Act came into force from October 2010 providing a modern, single legal framework with clear, streamlined law to more effectively tackle disadvantage and discrimination. It stated that it is against the law (UK) to discriminate against anyone because of:
• age
• being or becoming a transsexual person
• being married or in a civil partnership
• being pregnant or on maternity leave
• disability
• race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
• religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
• sex
• sexual orientation
These are called ‘protected characteristics’, and schools have a duty of care to protect all pupils from discrimination or harassment.
At Spilsby Primary, we teach our children about protected characteristics, through whole-school assemblies, our curriculum (including specific PSHE lessons via Jigsaw Schemes of Work), in class discussions and through our work with the Mini Police.
How do we teach Protected Characteristics through our PSHE scheme Jigsaw?
Wonderful discussions in Y3 around #equality and #protectedcharacteristics The children even came up with their very own ideas which could be added to the circle. Fantastic work as we build #skillsforlife
Brilliant Engagement with the Y6 Mini Police team. Time for pupils to feedback their knowledge & learning post our positively different lesson all around protected characteristics, hate crime & consequences.
Delivered the #diversity session to year 5 candidates. we discussed gender roles, why it’s right to challenge & how it’s important to follow our dreams regardless of the society view Posters made for our school community 💗
➡️ Diversity, gender roles, stereotypes & prejudice for Yr 5 today ➡️ Protected Characteristics & Hate Crime for Yr 6 as they have recently trialled Diversity. Amazing peer led comments & challenges brought about from all.