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W.B. Monday 11th January 2021



Please spend the time listening and watching the introduction video below, so that you are clear of the expectations for this week's remote learning.

As stated in the video, feedback will be provided by an adult for work emailed in using the gmail address, so please make use of this. 


Additionally, I will be reading the class book to the children in school on a Friday afternoon at 2:00pm. I would like children at home to have the opportunity to be involved in this and can be done by using Microsoft Teams. This can be done through an internet browser or can be downloaded as an app on most devices. If you would like to be involved in this then please email Mr Roberts on the email address below by 3:00pm Thursday, so that a link can be sent to attend this. ​​​​​​​

Monday 11th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstar - follow the link below and spend at least 15 minutes on this.

Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page.


Mr Roberts' group please attempt the question sheets. There is a video link, which talks through the questions and the method if you find it difficult and to check answers as well.

Lesson 3: Phonics (15minutes) - Complete pages 28 and 29 in CGP Books.


Lesson 4: English (1 hour)

1) Watch the PowerPoint video, which explains the writing genre for this week.

2) Read through the autobiography example.

3) Answer the questions on the word document.

Lesson 5: R.E (30minutes) - The children have started learning about Buddhism and the festival of Losar, which is New Year in the Buddhist's religion. Tibetans (a type of Buddhist) take the chance for a fresh start with the new year. Homes and monasteries are cleaned, tidied and decorated and that Tibetans wear new clothes. They also take this as a chance to settle any arguments from the previous year so they can start fresh. Discuss the following questions:

 - What does ‘turning over a new leaf’ mean?

 - Has anyone heard of this saying before?
 - What is a new year’s resolution?
Resolutions are personal so will probably be different for each person. Some could be: Be able to do joined up handwriting, learn how to tie shoelaces, get a gold card etc.

Task: Children to write their own resolution in the cleaning bottle which represents a fresh start.

Lesson 5: Music (30 minutes) - Follow the link below to take part in a fun song with singing and moving around.

Tuesday 12th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars (15minutes) - Follow the link to spend some time on this program.

Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page.


Mr Roberts' group please attempt the question sheets. There is a video link, which talks through the questions and the method if you find it difficult and to check answers as well.

Lesson 3: Phonics (15minutes) - Complete pages 30-31 in your CGP books.


Lesson 4: English (1 hour) - Watch the video input below for an explanation of what to complete.

Lesson 5: PSHE (45minutes) - Stages of Life


1) Look through the presentation below, which looks at the different stages humans go through in life.

2) Discuss how responsibilities, needs and lifestyles can change over time.

3) Can you complete the timeline sheet below?

Lesson 6: History (1 hour) - Timelines


This lesson follows on nicely from the PSHE one where it focusses on the stages of childhood. Your task is to sort some pictures into the three main areas of childhood - baby, toddler and then child.


You can either find some pictures of yourself from when different points in your life from when you were born and then sort them onto the three areas.




Use the images provided below to sort into groups if you do not have easy access to your own pictures.

Wednesday 13th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars (15minutes) - Follow the link to spend some time on this program.

Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page.


Mr Roberts' group please attempt the question sheets. There is a video link, which talks through the questions and the method if you find it difficult and to check answers as well.

Lesson 3: Phonics (15minutes) - Complete pages 32 - 33 in your CGP book.


Lesson 4: English (1 hour)


1) Watch the video for an explanation of today's lesson.

2) Use the document uploaded to help with creating autobiography draft.

Lesson 5: History (45minutes) - Important Events


To continue moving through our childhood project, it is important for children to think about important events in history. Not only famous events that happen in this country and around the world but also for them.


Think about a time in your life that is important to you. It could be a birthday, a christening, when you first started school or when you learnt to ride your bike? It is entirely up to you but fill in the sheet below to give more detail about your chosen event. There is also another help sheet for you to use if you need it.

Lesson 6: P.E (45minutes) - On a Wednesday, we would usually have a lesson with JB sports, so have a look at their home activity booklet for this week's activity.

Thursday 14th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars (15minutes) - Follow the link to spend some time on this program.

Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page.


Mr Roberts' group please attempt the question sheets. There is a video link, which talks through the questions and the method if you find it difficult and to check answers as well.


Lesson 3: Phonics (15minutes) - Complete pages 34 - 35 in your CGP book.


Lesson 4: English (1 hour)


1) Watch the video for an explanation of today's lesson.

2) Write a final version of your autobiography.

3) Use one of the writing frames below to publish work OR you can write on your own paper and decorate it how you wish. I have also uploaded a helpful document if you want to improve some of your sentences from yesterday.

Lesson 5: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (30 minutes)


1) Complete spelling test for this week (Set 2) and take a picture of score for Mr Roberts to add onto sheet in school.

2) Complete page 7 in the CGP book for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.


Lesson 6: History - Family Tree (1 hour)


1) Look at the family tree document below for William's family.

2) Read through the family text for William.

3) Can you put the members of William's family in the correct place on the family tree from what you have read?

Extension Task - It might be interesting for you to think about your own family tree. This is an optional activity for you to complete. There is another blank family tree below which you can use to try and put your own family members on to.

Friday 15th January 2021


Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars (15minutes) - Follow the link to spend some time on this program.

Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page.


Mr Roberts' group please attempt the question sheets. There is a video link, which talks through the questions and the method if you find it difficult and to check answers as well.




Complete the following:

1) CGP 10 Minute Weekly Workout book pages 12-15.

2) CGP Mental Workout book, Exercise 6.

Lesson 3: Phonics (15 minutes) - Complete pages 36 - 37 in your CGP book.


Lesson 4: English (30minutes) - CGP Reading Comprehension Book - Complete pages 9, 10 and 11.


Lesson 5: Handwriting (30 minutes) - CGP Handwriting Book - Complete pages 16 - 19.


Lesson 6: P.E (45minutes) - Complete some of the workouts from The Body Coach channel.
