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Daily Challenge: Tidy your bedroom and get ready for the week


8:45 - 9:15 - TTRS


9:15 - 10:15 - Maths - Fractions - Have a look at the video and complete the work. You have a printed copy of the work  now.

10:30 - 11 - Reading - Read to someone in your house.


11 - 12 - English – This week we are writing a non-chronological report about Antartica.

Have a look at the examples below and create a list of features for a non-chronological report.


We have written these a couple of times already in year 5, so this should refresh your memory.


Then, plan your report. What will you include about Antartica? What will your subheadings be? What year 5 features will you use?


You could do this in a list for each paragraph or as a mindmap.





Geography - Have a look at the climate zones map. What do you notice about the different climate zones? What do you already know? Use the information sheets and create a poster about climate zones.

Handwriting – Complete pages 16 and 17 in your handwriting book. Small letters should be the same size. It should all be joined and sat on the line. Do not rush.
