Monday 1st February 2021
Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars - Please spend 15minutes on this to work on your times tables.
Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baine's group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page for your work.
Mr Roberts' group please attempt the questions which you should already have in front of you. I have attached them underneath but these have had to be screenshot onto the document so may be a different size to the ones used in the answer video.
Lesson 5: R.E (40mins) -
1) Look at the Losar altar picture card below, then think about what you can see.
2) Sculpt tormas (butter sculptures) using clay/play dough and a sheep’s head out of modelling clay - if you do not have access to modelling clay or play dough then please design a sculpture on a piece of paper. There are some example pictures below to help you.
3) Think about answer to the following questions when you have made or designed a sculpture:
- Why do you think Tibetan Buddhists create a special shrine at Losar?
- Why is a shrine special to Buddhists?
- What do the items represent?
Note: Buddhists offer gifts to put on the shrine to show they are grateful for Buddha’s teaching and to practise giving. Many Buddhists believe that being generous is merit-making, which means they will gain good karma so their next life will be a good one.