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““Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world.”

Louis Pasteur

At Spilsby Primary Academy, our aim is for our pupils to show a strong understanding of the world around them whilst teaching specific skills and knowledge to think scientifically. They will understand scientific processes and see how science links to them now and in the future and embrace curiosity, having the confidence to self-challenge to gain a deeper understanding of scientific knowledge




  • Working scientifically, skills are built-up progressively and developed through year groups.
  • Key scientific knowledge is acquired and built upon progressively through well-sequenced Cornerstones topics. Science is taught in-line with the National Curriculum and arranged into topic blocks which link to themed learning where appropriate.
  • Key questions and are used at the start and end of new topics to capture children’s understanding of key knowledge and vocabulary.
  • Concept cartoons are used at the start of each new topic.



The fundamentals

  • To foster a love of science which allows and encourages children to be curious about the world around them.
  • Children to understand that science impacts the world around them continuously.
  • To understand that science investigations have to be fair in order to be accurate.

Y4 have investigated what happens to a sound when you move further away from the sound source. Great scientific thinking and fair test skills shown.

Y4 have been exploring sound this afternoon in science. We discussed how sound is made on my cello & how pitch and volume are changed. then we had a go! We then made lentils move on a drum by hitting it & looked at how pitch & volume are changed on a recorder.

3T looked at the human skeleton. They learnt about the bones in the body and where they are and then labelled the skeleton as a class before using their knowledge to label their own.

3T have been looking at human nutrition and the Eatwell guide. They discussed the importance of a balanced diet and sorted food into the correct food group. They also learnt that a balanced diet does not need to have sugary and salty foods.

A fantastic discussion today in year 2. To assess the children's prior understanding of humans being living things and a type of animal called a mammal that grows and changes and has senses and body parts with specific functions the children had to decide in pairs whether the facts were true or false. By the end of the discussion the children learnt lots of new knowledge including that humans are living things.

Y6 investigations began with looking at the heart, its structure and function. The children learned how the blood flows in one direction, moving through the different chambers on the right side of the heart, to head towards the lungs and collect oxygen. Following this, the children then took part in a sheep heart dissection: to identify the different internal features.

Year 6 began their Science companion project with a ‘show what you know’ activity. The children then watched a video, which explained each bodily system and how it works to support the body. The children learned that each bodily system fits one or more of the 7 life processes.

An amazing Science experiment in year 2, using glitter and vaseline. The children used this experiment to learn all about germs and how they spread directly and indirectly

A fantastic discussion today in science for Y2! Using their knowledge of humans to debate a number of facts. But they all agreed we are all different and unique.

Year 3&4 have been identifying parts of a flower today. We drew a labelled diagram and then we used it to help us identify the parts while dissecting a flower. Another wonderful, hands-on science lesson which we loved!

Making simple circuits in Year 3.

Y5 have been learning about food webs. They created their own food chains and understood how animals rely on plants and other animals to get their food.

Our year 3 children using Newton meters to measure the force of magnets.

Year 1 worked together to set up a wormy in the classroom. We will be observing the worms closely to see how they burrow in the soil.

Year 1 investigated which fruits butterflies prefer to eat. We made a range of butterfly foods, using ripe fruit mixed with water and sugar. We placed the fruit in a shallow bowl in a sunny area that butterflies typically visit. In addition, we constructed a food chain to show what animals eat butterflies.

Year 3 using the outdoor equipment to investigate friction

Investigating air resistance in year 3.

During our session with Mr Carlton, year 2 focused on the technology aspect of British Science Week. We used the WeDo Lego app to construct a vehicle and then control it with the app.

The theme this year for British Science Week is ‘Growth’. In Year 1 we made our own seed bombs. We talk about how plants spread their seeds and what they need to grow.

Year 6 began their Science Week investigation today, focusing on ‘ Glorious Mud’ to separate the different particles and see what makes a healthy soil for plants to grow. Patience and perseverance now required to await the results.

Year 2 have been building sculptures from shapes for British Science Week. They had to work with a partner to connect the shapes and think about how to make it strong enough to stand on its own.

Year 2 investigated how germs are spread. We covered our hands in "germs" (coloured chalk) & set about various tasks. We were shocked at how easily the "germs" spread- they got everywhere!

Year 6 created a virtual scenario to test what was needed to make a rocket take off.
Discussions ensured the children knew that changes were reversible or irreversible. Explanations of how changes in water from a solid, to a liquid to a gas are reversible, however, burning a piece of paper to ash is irreversible helped the children understand the scientific vocabulary. 

The scientific fun then started as the children observed the chemical change when mentos were added to cola; simulating the propulsion needed to make a rocket lift off. Questions and answer sessions after each bottle was tested help the children recognise how important research was to rocket scientists. 

Year 6 have completed their lever investigation today, to help understand how levers can reduce the effort needed to bring about an effect.

Irreversible Changes

Year 6 completed 2 science investigations today, one to work scientifically and look at the force of gravity using Newton Meters: measuring an object’s weight. The second, a crater investigation, to see the impact of a meteoroid or asteroid upon a planet’s surface.

Year 6 discussed the size and scale of planets in our Solar System. Using the knowledge they had learned from their Planetarium memorable experience, they created posters to show the planets in comparison to each other and their order and distance from the Sun.

Fantastic STEM activities to challenge year 6 as part of Viking Link Hands-on Science project. #resilience #challenge #skillsforlife

Year 6 learnt how to create an electrical circuit and discussed the importance and significance of using this type of equipment during the war. They talked about Morse Code and how coded messages were used to keep important battle plans and military action secret from the enemy.

Year 6 worked scientifically to complete their Blood Heart Companion Project ‘What’s in blood? The interactive lesson helped embed their knowledge of the circulatory system and also build their explanation skills to answer the project ‘big question’.

Y3&4 put their knowledge of the digestive system into action by creating life-size diagrams. We thought carefully about the size of the digestive organs, their position in the body and the order

The Reception children conducted a science experiment today using skittles and water. The children made some great predictions and explained what they had observed, thinking about why it might have happened

An absolutely brilliant afternoon in Year 3&4 recreating the digestive system. It's amazing what you can do with biscuits, bananas, orange juice, a food bag and a pair of tights!

Year 6 worked scientifically for their Blood Heart project to test the impact of smoking on blood vessels. Butter to imitate blockages and syrup to imitate blood viscosity they measured blood flow and the affect of narrowed arteries.

Year 6 worked scientifically to find their pulse and investigate how their heart rate changed before and then after exercise. Discussions and conclusions helped explain the heart’s role in the process.

Year 5 have been creating artificial blood in Science today. We have learnt the different components within the blood.

In our Science lesson this week, year 3 have looked at types of teeth. We bit into a polystyrene cup gently to see the imprint of our teeth and labelled them correctly. We have also used this information to help us write our non-chronological reports in English this week.

Year 2 tested whether a feather was waterproof by spraying them with water and seeing if the water went through. They then #sorted them based on this property.

Year 3 loved creating their own deep sea creature this afternoon. They had to think about the type of animal it was, how it can adapt to its habitat and what habitat it might live in.

Year 2 were posing questions about what they wanted to find out about hermit crabs, including: what they eat; why they are called hermit crabs and how long they live for. Then they used the internet on the IPads safely to research the answers to the questions they have generated.

Year 6 have concluded their scientific investigation into the growth of bacteria onto classroom surfaces. Ew- it’s the door handle! Evidence showed conclusive growth of bacteria

So much discussion and enthusiasm from year 2, I didn’t have time for more pictures! They explored microhabitats in rock pools before writing descriptions and comparisons about the animals found there!

In Science, year 5 have been hunting for herbs. We have identified them and researched their medicinal properties.

Year 6 have begun their science investigation into the growth of bacteria and fungi. They gathered swabs to find the most contaminated surface in the classroom. Let’s hope it’s not my desk!

Year 6 have been working scientifically this week and investigating, through observations , group discussions and recordings, the changes to their mealworm larvae and the stage they’re at in their lifecycle.

Year 2 experimented to discover which materials floated. Then they applied this knowledge to create a floating object.

Year 5 have been investigating electricity and circuits with Viking Link. Future electricians in the making

Year 3 have been looking at soundproofing this afternoon. We listened to music and used different insulators to wrap the sound source in before measuring the sound in decibels. We now know the best material to use to block out noisy neighbours!

The Reception children have conducted a science experiment. They added an egg to water and watched the effects once salt was added. The children made some fantastic predictions and used some fantastic scientific language

Year 5 are experimenting to develop their understanding of friction, water resistance and air resistance

Year 6 have immersed themselves in science experiments and investigations this week all focused on the effect of forces within theme park rides and the physics involved.

Year 5 are investigating the affect of weight on a pendulum.

Year 6 had a great outdoor practical science experiment today, testing the effects of centripetal force on rollercoaster design.

This week the children, in Year 1, became mini scientists. They developed new skills while participating in lots of exciting and innovating experiments. The children's favourite experiment was creating crunchy architect using chocolate and biscuits. The children used their skills to create a stable structure and then explored how we can turn a liquid into a solid with chocolate to make cement to stick there architect together.

Year 3 and 4 LOVED their brilliant outdoor science lesson this afternoon investigating the viscosity of various liquids.

Y6 used their scientific knowledge to represent food chains: defining the terms producers, consumers , prey and predators.

This afternoon in Science year 2 looked at sorting and classifying animals into their different groups. The children was surprised to hear that humans were in the mammal group.

This afternoon in Science Year 2 completed an investigation as they learnt about decomposition and collected a variety or leaves to demonstrate the decomposing process!

Year 2 spent the afternoon collecting natural resources and sorting and classifying them into groups based on their physical properties.

1C had a lovely afternoon using their scientific knowledge and skills. We performed a simple experiment to find out what it would be like to build a tower without our sense of sight.

This afternoon, Year 2 explored the senses we have as humans. They discussed what the senses were, which part of the body was used for each sense and then what difficulties living things face if they no longer have access to one of the senses.

Year 6 began their new project ‘Beast Creator’ with a mini-beast hunt in the school grounds-to help develop scientific language and determine how to classify the creatures into specific groups.

Year 5 conducting a science experiment to see which habitat woodlice prefer

Year 1 investigaed how to keep plants healthy in the winter. They understood that plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.

This afternoon 1C have been using their knowledge of how different materials can be used for building nests and dens for the woodland animals at Natureland. We explored and discussed which natural materials would be suitable to create strong structures to keep our animals safe and warm.

We have scientists in year 1! Using all their knowledge to perform a simple test to find the best way to care for plants.

Year 1 exploring parts of a plant. They had show their knowledge by identifying and describing the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants.

Skittle experiment. The Reception children carried out an experiment with skittles. We had instructions to follow and were encouraged to make a prediction on what they thought might happen once the water was added. The children were also asked after the experiment why they thought it had happened.

Year 2 used their sorting and classifying knowledge to put animals into groups based on their habitats.

Year 2 proudly showing off their plants with correctly labelled parts in Science this afternoon.

Year 2 spent the afternoon identifying different types of tree; deciduous and evergreen, then looking at the different patterns they could make from bark rubbing as well as spending some time sketching the leaves from different trees.

Year 2 spent some time in groups this afternoon exploring the trees around the school grounds as well as thinking about what the weather was like. This will be part of their exploration into seasonal changes throughout the year.

This afternoon in Science, Year 5 used research tools to find out about blood groups and the work of Karl Landsteiner!

The whole school took part in British Science Week today by taking part in activities across their key stage linked to the theme of 'Our Diverse Planet'. We had creating a creature, bubble blowing experiments and guess the animal.

Year 5 created some artificial blood samples to show the different components in blood! They then created a life size drawing poster to explain what was helpful or harmful to the human body, heart and blood.

In science this afternoon year 6 had to create their own artificial blood sample to identify the different components. They then described the function of each component and linked it to previous learning of the circulatory system.

Fantastic science lesson from year 3 today as they created electrical circuits. The children had to predict and describe whether a circuit will work based on whether or not the circuit is a complete loop and has a battery.

The reception children have been investigating how to free the dragons from the frozen eggs. The children observed and discussed the changes to the ice and talked about where ice comes from. This linked in really well when we experienced a flutter of snow later on ❄

Some children from Reception B and C planted some trees today! Since the children from Science club had been learning about micro habitats earlier this week, a few of them came along with me to plant the trees (from the woodland trust) and thought about which animals would want to live in the trees. We also talked about how important the trees are to us, providing us with oxygen.

Year 6 have finished their project with a practical science experiment. They created simple circuits to explore which materials were good conductors of electricity . They then discussed how morse code messages could be created using their circuits and how an open and closed switch would make the bulbs flash on and off.

Year 1 investigating how mud is made. We even collected data in a table to see if our predictions were correct!

Today year 3 had fun in science sorting and classifying different food groups. They also created their own ‘yummy’ healthy lunch boxes!

Year 2 carried out an experiment today. We had a sample of different foods in cake cases and we put it in the oven for 3 minutes. After the time they were able to see what changes had happened to the food and we even talked about some of the foods melted from a solid, into a liquid and back into a solid again. Wow!

Year 2 are looking forward to performing a simple test in Science tomorrow. Ahead of this, they've made a prediction today and we discussed the words 'solid' and 'liquid' which they've tried to include.

Year 4 worked extremely well to explore a range of different foods and sort/classify them.

Reception are on countdown to the Rainbow Party. Today we made jelly using our senses to describe the jelly, talked about changes & thought about why the changes were happening. We can't wait to make more rainbow treats!

Year 4 had a wonderful time experimenting with electric circuits this afternoon! We tested the conductivity of different items inside the classroom and looked back at our initial predictions.

Year 5 have had an excellent afternoon investigating, ‘Why do planets have craters?’ They weighted different size objects and then measured the width and depth of the crater formed in the trays!

Reception B got a reply from Rainbow Town! The King & Queen thought our party plans were FANTASTIC! They sent us some magic beads in our water tray & some sweets and instructions to follow to make a rainbow! We talked about how the beads felt & made predictions about how we could make a rainbow with water & sweets!

Year 5 were looking at the importance of insulation in space so they looked at how different materials affected the rate at which the boiling water cooled.

Years 1 and 2 performed a simple investigation today. They looked at different soap products and made predictions for which one would produce the most bubbles! A fab afternoon of investigation and working together.

Year 3 spent this afternoon looking at how different surfaces can affect the distance a car travels down a ramp. They had to think about how #friction and air resistance caused the car to travel shorter distances!

Year 6 completed a Science investigation with force meters to help understand the difference between weight and mass. They then used this information to work out how many Newtons pulled on an object to show how gravity worked

This afternoon Year 3 examined coins which had been previously soaked in different solutions, (water, cola, ketchup, lemon juice & vinegar. We compared them to their pre-soaked state and discussed the process of oxidation.

Last week Year 3 had a great day and used force meters to explore how levers can be used to lift heavier objects with little effort!

Year 3 had a very fun afternoon investigating #spinners and looking at #inertia for their #MightyMetals project. They understood that an object will not move unless there is a pushing or pulling force applied.

Year 3 and 4 had an amazing time at the local park yesterday! They looked at: forces used when playing parachute games; using a compass to follow directions and exploring how forces are used in the park apparatus!

Reception found a creature in the cupboard who was scared & lost! The message asked us to camouflage it to keep it safe. So we found materials to match his body & talked about why we couldn't use some of them.
