In this project your child will take part in practical activities to explore where food comes from. They will learn what seeds and plants need to grow and grow a variety of plants. They will explore what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, including eating fruit and vegetables, exercise and teeth brushing. They will find out about life on a farm and about baby animals.
Supporting your child at home
Maths | Number; Numerical patterns |
PD | Gross motor skills; Fine motor skills |
PSED | Self-regulation; Managing self; Building relationships |
World | Past and present; People, culture and communities; The natural world |
Exp A&D | Creating with materials; Being imaginative and expressive |
CL | Listening, attention and understanding; Speaking |
Literacy | Comprehension; Word reading; Writing |
Memorable experience | Food and farming |
Innovate challenge | Penny pig's super salad |