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“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.”

Theodore Roosevelt



  • Teaching is progressive and builds skills and knowledge in a well thought out sequence created through Knowledge-rich projects.
  • Visits to local historically significant places.
  • Visits from historical specialists.
  • Through our teaching of British Values.


The fundamentals

  • Enabling children to understand their place in world.
  • Developing the knowledge and understanding of the chronology of Britain and the world.
  • Understanding the historical significance of the locality.
  • To understand how historical events still impact them today in the modern world.

Y4 have been creating our own sources of historical evidence based on our learning in our Invasion project. We loved using our imagination and creativity to make different sources from letters, to pictures of artefacts and maps.

3T have learnt about Celtic warriors. We looked at a presentation and then read a piece of text. We then had to draw what we thought they would have looked like!

Year 2 learnt that categories for sorting significant people include explorers, activists, monarchs, scientists and artists. The children then used this knowledge to sort a number of significant historical people such as Henry VIII, Rosa Parks, Neil Armstrong, Vincent Van Gough and Mary Anning.

Y5 explored how broze was used during the Shang dynasty and created posters on the information they had found out.

Another History filled afternoon for Year 2. The children worked together to create a document about the life of Queen Victoria and then a diamond 9 diagram about Elizabeth II and the significance of her actions!

Year 2 studied some of the actions taken by Elizabeth I and the impact this had on her reign. They all agreed she was a strong, educated and brave leader!

Some fantastic discussions from Year 2 when looking at the life of #HenryVIII and deciding if his actions had a positive or negative impact on the country!

Year 2 looked at William the Conqueror, the Battle of Hastings and how he introduced the Feudal system to England. They made their own versions of the Bayeux Tapestry and looked at society classes

Year 1 created a timeline to display six significant sovereigns in chronological order. We also learnt that historical periods include Anglo-Saxon, Norman, Plantagenet, House of Lancaster, House of York, Tudor, Stuart, Restoration, Hanoverian, House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and House of Windsor.

Year 6 did some group research to help understand how Portugal and Spain’s interest in Africa began the trade in enslaved people.

Year 2 worked in groups to create some factual posters all about Royal Residences around the United Kingdom. They included castles used by monarchs hundreds of years ago to current palaces where the Queen and the Royal family reside.

Year 2 worked collaboratively to create this timeline of English and British Monarchs from Alfred the Great to Elizabeth II.

WOW! So much knowledge from all of Year 2. They looked at activists throughout history and finding out what they did, why they did it and what hardships they faced in the lives!

A lot of debate in History this afternoon from Year 2 looking at statements and deciding if they were fact or opinion about the activist Emmeline Pankhurst

In History, Year 2 worked together to order events chronologically as well as compare the explorations of Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus great discussions and use of knowledge!

In History, Year 3 have looked at Sumerian inventions. They worked in groups to match the description to the picture card and then we discussed how this helped the civilisation develop.

Totally blown away by all of Year 2 working together to read about the significant explorer Christopher Columbus and put their ideas into this diagram!

Year 2 created timelines of significant historical figures and used a diamond ranking to order them from most to least significant. They had to justify their choices using evidence from research!

Year 3 and 4's amazing re-enactment of Roman battle formations this afternoon. We used the scutums (shields) we have created to protect ourselves from attack.

Still image for this video

Year 5 are acting out the process of mummification. We considered the process from the ancient Egyptians.

Year 5 have been studying artefacts that were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Year 6 have researched different Egyptian Gods, sketched their image and used hieroglyphs to write their title and what they represent.

Year 3 looked at The Iroquois Native American Tribe in History this afternoon. They used their research skills to find out about the historical time period!

Year 6 have worked collaboratively to create a research report on the Maya Civilisation.

A great afternoon of research into the Ancient Greek Civilisation for year 3 as well as reading about famous Greeks like Aristotle, Pythagoras and Alexander the Great!

Year 3 and 4 spent the afternoon diving into the Greek’s rich history, dating all the way back to 1600BC. We made ‘snake timelines’ to show the most important events over a 1500year time span. 🏺🗡🛡🏛

Year 3 created some timelines this afternoon to show the life of James Lind and all of his accomplishments.

Year 5 have been busy creating timelines to show the story of Anne Frank. They have been so moved by her story - this week has been so thought-provoking and humbling.

A very thought provoking and humbling afternoon with Year 5 looking at The Holocaust in History. They also read some stories of victims from the time.

Year 5 worked really hard this afternoon in History, studying some of the key events from World War 2. They chose an event and then worked collaboratively to create a class timeline!

Year 6 have been working collaboratively to order events during World War 2 and create their own timeline.

As part of their memorable experience, Year 5/6 watched a World War 2 evacuee telling their experience of being evacuated to help plan their evacuee letter home. They even took part in yard drills, marching and good old-fashioned games!

Year 6 have been researching Galileo Galilei to create their own chronological report. They thought very carefully about the decisions made and the impact that the Galileo had.
