Daily Challenge: Choose an inspirational quote and make a poster for your room.
8:45 - 9:15 - TTRS
9:15 - 10:15 - Maths
We have now finished our Unit so we will spend today and tomorrow reviewing previous work. Today, you need to completed pages 2, 3, 4 and 5 in your red CGP maths book.
10:30 - 11 - Reading - Make a book review about something you have read.
11 - 12 English
Have a look at your work from yesterday. How can you improve it? Go back and edit your work. Write it up in neat and show me your best work.
SPaG – Have a look at the video about the present perfect tense then complete page 32 in your Grammar book.
Project – Complete the KWL in your new Project book.
Have a look at the new knowledge organiser and see what you need to learn next term.
Make snowflakes and other winter objects for the next project. You could make them to bring to school when we come back or you could create your own Frozen Kingdom in your bedroom.