Friday 12th February 2021
Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars - Please spend 15minutes on this to work on your times tables.
Lesson 2: Maths (1 hour) - Miss Baines' group please refer to the Year 1 remote learning page and follow the instructions on there.
Mr Roberts' group please complete the following:
1) CGP 10minute workout Pages 20 - 23.
2) CGP Mental Workout - Exercise 8
Lesson 3: Phonics (30mins) - Now that we have come to the end of the CGP books for phonics, lessons will now be delivered as pre-recorded videos. Please follow the link which will take you to the Year 1 page where all of the phonics lessons have been prepared. I have emailed everyone to say what group children are in but please email if you are still unsure.
Lesson 4: English (1 hour) - Please complete the following:
1) CGP Comprehension Book, Pages 22 - 23: Because the texts and questions are beginning to increase in difficulty, I have created a video below to help with reading the text and questions.
2) CGP Handwriting Book - Pages 26 and 27.
Lesson 5: P.E - Have a look at the Body Coach YouTube Channel to find some workouts you can complete at home.