Monday to Friday 3pm to 5.30pm
Just £6.70 per session (includes a snack)
Please pay for pre-booked sessions in advance
or as soon as possible at the school office.
Why not come and join in with the fun! For more information please ask at the office.
The children at After school club have had a busy few weeks. They were lucky enough to take part in the bingo the PTFA had organised. Unfortunately none of the children at After school club won but they did have great fun!
Whenever the weather has been good the children have been outside making the most of it. Some of the children took the small animals and made a story using them. Some of the children have been practising for sports day.
They have made fruit kebabs using a variety of different fruits. Some of them even made repeating patterns using the fruit.
On Tuesday Mrs Roberts invited the children at After school club to go and watch the gymnasts perform. They were brilliant!!
On Wednesday we made chocolate chip cakes. Yummy! There were lots of children at After school club so there were no cakes left for any grown ups .