Welcome Video
Please watch the video from the Year 2 Playlist on the Video Resource Centre from me, as it will give you an explanation for the work set this week.
Monday 30th November 2020
Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstars - Spend at least 15 minutes on here to improve those times table facts.
Lesson 2: Maths - Targeted Study and Question Book (Green) - Pages 6 - 9.
Lesson 3: Handwriting - Pages 6 - 7 - if you wish to complete more then you could also complete pages 2 - 5.
Lesson 4: Phonics - All groups to complete Pages 2 - 3 in your CGP Phonics group.
Lesson 5: Music - Please look at the information about this month's musician - I have uploaded a Powerpoint and a PDF file just in case one does not open for you. Then, listen to the song and see if you can learn the words and singalong!
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Lesson 1: TT Rockstar - Please use the link from Monday's work to complete 15 minutes on here.
Lesson 2: Maths - 10 Minute Weekly Workouts - Complete workouts 1 - 3.
Lesson 3: Punctuation and Grammar - Page 8.
Lesson 4: Phonics - All groups to complete Pages 4 - 5.
Lesson 5: Project - Science
At school, we have looked at the different species animals can be classified into, which include: Mammals, Fish, Amphibians, Birds, Reptiles and Insects. For today's lesson, I would like you to have a look at the website link below and have a read about some of the animals, which are in each species group. Then I would like you to create a poster or some sort of presentation to explain what each group is and give some examples of the animals in each group.
Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstar - Please use the link from Monday's lesson to spend some time on this.
Lesson 2: Maths - For this lesson, please have a look at the document below which has some questions from the usual Power Maths textbook we use in school. I would like you to open the document and have a go at answering the questions. Then please watch the video afterwards, where I have explained each question and shown you the answers.
To recap some of the work I have set in previous weeks you could complete pages 28 - 31 in the Green CGP Maths book.
Lesson 4: Phonics - All groups to complete pages 6 - 7.
Lesson 5: P.E - Please follow the link below to take part in some of The BodyCoach workout videos.
Thursday 3rd December 2020
Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstar - Please use the link from Monday's lesson to spend some time on this app.
Lesson 2: Maths - (Green) Targeted Study and Question Book - Page 32
Lesson 3: English - After retelling the story yesterday, today I would like you to complete at least one of the character descriptions from the document below. Remember to use adjectives when describing and there are lots of helpful words on the sheets for you.
Lesson 4: Phonics - All groups to complete pages 8 - 9.
Lesson 5: Project - Science
After creating your posters about the animals species, today I would like you to create a factfile for an animal of your choice from the website you used the other day. You can include information such as: where they live, what they eat, when do they hunt, what do they look like etc. It would be lovely to have a picture included in your factfile too.
Friday 4th December 2020
Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstar - Please use the link from Monday's lesson to spend some time on this.
Lesson 2: Maths - CGP Mental Workout book - Exercises 1 - 3.
Lesson 3: Reading Comprehension - Page 4. If you would like to complete some of the ones set in previous weeks then you can complete pages 2 and 3.
Lesson 4: Phonics: All groups to complete pages 10 - 11.
Lesson 5: PSHE - It was anti-bullying week a few weeks ago in school. So please spend some time looking through the PowerPoint again that we used in school as well as discussing the sheets. You could do this with an adult or someone else at home.