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School Uniform

School Uniform


We wear our uniform with pride here at Spilsby Primary Academy and we ask for all children to be in full, correct uniform so each child looks smart when representing our school.


Our embroidered uniform is currently available through 

Nationwide School Uniforms.


We also stock a huge range of FREE pre-loved uniform at our Clothes Shop in the Front Entrance. Simply have a look for what you need, we are always more than happy to help. Alternatively, you can contact Judith at the Christian Fellowship in town who has an additional uniform bank.  


All Children

School Coat: Reversible Fleece/Anorak

Wellingtons for outdoor play

White polo shirt



Grey trousers or pinafore (September to February)

Grey skirt, shorts or a blue gingham dress (March to July)

White socks or a pair of grey tights

Royal blue jumper or cardigan with school logo

Black shoes without heel: Velcro or lace ups (Shoes must be supportive and appropriate for all weathers. Boots other than wellingtons are not permitted)



Grey trousers

Grey shorts (March to July)

Grey socks

Royal blue jumper with school logo

Black shoes. Lace ups or Velcro, not trainers


For P.E and games children should wear:

A pale blue polo shirt with school logo

Navy blue shorts

Plimsolls or a pair of trainers


Please can you make sure all clothes are labelled with your child’s name.


Uniform can be purchased from the shop or online at

Nationwide School Uniforms

Vale Road


PE23 5HE

01790 754522



