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Makaton group

Our Makaton group meet every week and enjoy learning the Makaton Charity Sign Of The Week as well as working on our current song which we record to share with everyone.


Makaton supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression. It uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. 


Our current sign of the week and song can be found via the links below.


Please check out the Makaton Group playlist in the video resource centre to see all of our recordings!

Sign of the Week - Medal 26/6/24

Sign of the Week - To care for 19/6/24

Sign of the Week - Tree 12/6/24

Sign of the week - Book 6/3/24

Sign of the Week - To speak/talk 5/6/24

Sign of the Week - Dance 15/5/24

Sign of the Week - Earth 8/5/24

Sign of the Week - To know

Sign of the Week 28/2/24 - to smile

Sign of the Week 21/2/24 - Love

Sign of the Week 21/2/24 - Pet

Hello! This week's sign is Pet. Join in with our Sign of the Week. Make your own video and share on social media using the hashtag #wetalkmakaton Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to our channel to find out about our latest videos: Signs of the Week, songs, stories and more!

Sign of the Week - Chocolate 7/2/2024

Sign of the week - Lucky 31/1/2024

Sign of the week - Cold 24/1/24

Still image for this video

15/1/2024 Thank You - Makaton Sign of the Week
