Lesson 1: Times Table Rockstar or Numbots: Spend 15minutes on either one of these sites. The login details are the same for both.
Lesson 2: Maths - We are currently recapping lots of work from the beginning of the year and re doing some of the sheets from then.
So there are lots of questions to have a go at. I would recommend work through them for an hour and then stop when you reach an hour's worth of questions.
Lesson 3: Phonics - Follow the link below to phonics play. Spends 30minutes playing through some of the games and activities further down the page.
Lesson 4: English - Open the document below and you will see a letter from Captain Longbeard! There are three tasks to complete:
1) Fill the gaps with Year 2 Common Exception Words (document uploaded below). One letter fits one dash so look carefully!
2) Translate Longbeard's letter into standard English.
3) Answer the questions on the document about the letter.
Lesson 5: R.E - Answer the questions below and then listen to the music on the link.
1) How do you feel when it is quiet?
2) Why is it good to be quiet sometimes?
3) How did the mantra make you feel?
Hindus believe Durga will be pleased to hear their mantra and help them if they are worried.
4) Think about some things, which you may be worried about and note them down.
5) Who can help us with our worries?
6) Is it good to ask for help?
7) Who would you talk to if you were worried?
Lesson 6: PSHE - As we are preparing for your transition from Year 2 to Year 3, have a work through the booklet below to help you think about moving into Key Stage Two.