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Rocks, Relics and Rumbles- Spring Term

What makes the Earth angry?


In the Rocks, Relics and Rumbles project, your child will learn about the different layers of the Earth, including plate tectonics and their potential effects on the Earth’s surface. They will investigate different types of rock to learn about their uses and properties. They will also investigate soil and fossils, including learning about the work of Mary Anning. They will have the opportunity to use maps to learn about the lines of latitude and longitude and a compass to learn about the cardinal and intercardinal points. They will also learn about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis and the long and short- term consequences that these can have.


The children will also complete some companion projects over the Spring term which are Ammonite (Art), Forces and Magnets (Science), People and Places (Art) and Making it Move (DT).

For our DT companion project 3T have made an automaton toy. They have designed a toy in pairs, then used a saw, drill and glue gun to make the mechanism. They then used a range of materials to decorate it. 

Ask your child: What are the parts of the mechanism called?

For our People and Places companion project we first had a look at the proportion of the body and tried to draw a peer. We then looked at our hands and tried to draw them, focussing on the detail. After that we moved on to looking at buildings and used famous artists’s work for inspiration and tried to replicate it. We used his work to inspire our own drawing for our school day, we thought carefully about the building and tried to draw matchstick people to represent people on the playtime.


Ask your child: Which artist was your work inspired by? 

Year 3 have really enjoyed their forces and magnets companion project. During the project they have tested friction, used Newton metres to measure forces, explored how magnets worked and made a compass. 

Ask your child: What are forces measure in?

Wow event- making and labelling volcanoes

For our WOW event, we shared our knowledge from our Geography project with our parents. We made model volcanoes and labelled them.


Ask your child: How many parts of a volcano can you name?

For our sculpt it lesson, we each got a piece of clay. We rolled it into a long sausage which went from thin to thick and then rolled it into a spiral. After we had smoothed the back, we used clay tools to add the detail to the front. Look how amazing they are!

Ask your child: What is an ammonite?

Art- Ammonite: Draw it

Today we have looked at Fibonacci patterns then tried to replicate some of them in sketching pencils trying to create different shades. 

Ask your child: What is a Fibonacci pattern?

Art- Ammonite companion project

For our Ammonite companion project, we first started with looking at our knowledge organiser at the techniques. We practised shading, smudging, hatching, cross hatching and stippling. We then used fine liner pens and sketching pencils to practise drawing ammonites. 

Ask your child: What does cross hatching look like?

Geography-features of volcanoes, Ring of Fire, Tectonic plates

In Geography, 3T have been looking at all things ‘Rocks, Relics and Rumbles’. They have looked at tectonic plates and plate boundaries, learnt about the Ring of Fire and also learnt the features of a volcano. 

Ask your child: Why is it called the Ring of Fire, what happens there?

English- Non-chronological reports

3T have worked incredibly hard on their non-chronological report about the layers of the Earth. They first worked in groups to identify the features, then planned each paragraph before using this information to write. They then took such pride in their presentation and successfully produced some brilliant work!

Ask your child: What are 2 features of a non-chronological report?

Science-Soil investigation

One of our science lessons for our new project was to investigate soil. We have learnt so far that soil is the material that covers the Earth’s crust. We looked at the soil on the field and in the flowerbed and followed a chart to find out the type of soil. We found out one was silty and..


Ask your child: What was the other type of soil?

For our next Love to Celebrate unit we are learning about Lent. The children learnt a little bit about Lent before getting to make some pancakes. This is the memorable experience for this unit which they will learn more about between now and half term. 

Ask your child: Which religion celebrate lent?
