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Spring Term 1: Ancient Civilisations

In this project the children will learn about the history of three of the world’s first ancient civilisations: ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. Children will learn about the rise, life, achievements and eventual end of each civilisation.


Our big question:  What caused the rise and fall of ancient civilisations?

Year 4 have been learning what a civilisation is and how the Sumerian civilisation came to be.

In RE, we are learning about Shabbat. Year 4 have discussion why rest is needed and created their own animals and plants, as happened in the story of creation.

Some of our fantastic homework

Year 4 have been walking around an imaginary Sumerian city. They used their 5 senses to imagine what it would be like.

Year 4 having been acting to show the story of Gilgamesh and the Cedar Forest

Year 3 and 4 had an amazing Egyptian Day. We learnt about making things and how they lived.

In SPaG, year 4 have done an apostrophe hunt. We have been using a variety of fiction and non-fiction books to see how apostrophes are used.
