Welcome to Year 3B's class page!
On this page you will find useful information, updates and be able to follow along with your child's learning journey.
Welcome back!
This term the project we will be learning will be Rocks, Relics and Rumbles- where the children will be learning about the features and characteristics of Earth's layers, including a detailed exploration of volcanic, tectonic and seismic activity.
In Year 3B, we are very fortunate to be working with our fantastic TAs Miss Ambridge and Miss Lepley, as well as working closely with 3H. We are very excited to begin the hard work and fun in Year 3.
This term, children will continue to come to school in their P.E kits on their allocated P.E days. Please consider the weather and ensure appropriate clothing and footwear (in line with our school uniform) are worn. Year 3B's P.E day will be a Wednesday.
Swimming will be on a Tuesday and Thursday until Easter. Please ensure your child has the correct swimming kit on these days.
Please also ensure your child only has water in the bottle they will use throughout the day, they may drink squash or juice with their lunch.
The children will have their reading book which will go home with them, and I encourage the children to read aloud to you as much as possible. In KS2, reading is slightly different, and books can be changed once we have seen that your child has read at home. This will help support their reading fluency and to enhance reading for pleasure.
Reading should be supplemented by frequent use of Times Table Rockstar at home each week. The log-in is at the front of your child's reading record. Please ask me if you require your child's username and password to login to their TTRS account.
If you have any queries or wish to contact me regarding your child's learning, please get in touch using the contact form below.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Bremner