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Autumn Term 2 - Rio de Vida!

Would you rather go to London or Rio de Janeiro? Why?


In this project, children will be engrossed in the culture and lifestyle of Brazil! They will start the project with a carnival to expose them to music, dance and other cultural experiences from South America. They will create mythical narratives as well as creating their own instruments. They will study maps and look for features in the landscape and compare it to their own country and they will create postcards to describe their journey to this magical part of the world!

13/12/2021 - P.E with JB Sports


For their final session of P.E with Mr Jones from JB Sports, Year 2R played some Christmas themed games using the equipment. They first had to work as a team to decorate one of their team mates as a Christmas tree! Then they had to use equipment to make a snowman! Prizes were given to the best teams with the most imaginative designs!

13/12/2021 - English


Today, Year 2R looked at some information about the Rio carnival in Brazil and the Notting Hill carnival in London. They discussed the similarities and differences between these and then created some information posters to display the information.

23/11/2021 - Design and Technology


This morning, Year 2R created some carnival inspired Headdresses. They had to think about which materials to use and then used different methods to attach these onto their creation.

17/11/2021 - Art and Design


This afternoon, the children created some carnival inspired collages. They had to think about how to cut or tear different pieces of materials to create an interesting collage which portrayed the colours and textures seen at Brazilian carnivals.

15/11/2021 - Design and Technology


After looking at existing instruments last week, the children created their own instrument from junk modelling and added some Samba carnival inspired decorations. They had to think about how the instrument could still be used as well as considering how it would be suitable for a vibrant, colourful Brazilian carnival celebration!

12/11/2021 - English


Year 2R worked hard this morning using their knowledge of Brazilian myths and legends to create their own mythical creatures. They has to consider its appearance, whether it was a hero or villain and what special powers it had. They will be creating their own myths and legends next week for these mythical characters!

10/11/2021 - Design and Technology


This afternoon, Year 2R explored percussion and samba instruments and discussed how they made their sound as well as how sound travels from the instruments. The children then started to make their own instruments, which will be completed by the end of the week.

03/11/2021 - Samba Dancing


Year 2R continued with launching their project by taking part in a Samba dance workshop. They had to listen to music and move in time with the beat in regular counts of eight.


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

02/11/2021 - R.E


This afternoon, Year 2R started their new religion for this term, which is Christianity. They are focussing on the Christmas period and today looked at the period of advent. They studied what advent was for Christians and then created an advent wreath, which Christian's use during advent.

01/11/2021 - Memorable Experience


This afternoon, Year 2R started their project by making bunting and decorations for the classroom as well as listening to samba music and watching some video footage of carnivals which take place in Rio. The children have got Samba dancing to look forward to on Wednesday afternoon to further bring their new project to life!
