Welcome to Year 1 class page!
Here you will find all the information needed to help support your child's learning, including all the new knowledge they will learn throughout their Year 1 journey.
Year 1 have the fantastic support from Ms Ambridge, who has a wealth of experience and is a valued member of the Spilsby team. We are pleased to welcome Ms Harrison to our class to oversee all 1:1 responsibilities and become a valued member of our class and school.
Children's reading books will be changed by staff on a Monday, so it is imperative that books are brought in daily. We will be keeping a record of which books the children have read to try and give them a different one to take home. However, it is also good practice for children to come back to books that they have already read and to check to see what they can remember from the text as well as encouraging them to read with more fluency. We will be continuing with the reading challenge in Year 1, so please aim to read with your child during the week to contribute towards this challenge.
Year 1 will have P.E on a Monday and Tuesday, so will need to come into school in their P.E kit on this day. Please ensure that they are dressed appropriately - a tracksuit or leggings are fine for the colder weather. PE kit should be black/ blue shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms and a blue school PE polo shirt. Trainers or plimsolls should be black or a dark colour to reflect the PE 'uniform'.
Please ensure that your child wears the correct uniform to school by following our uniform policy as detailed in this link: https://www.spilsbyprimary.org.uk/school-uniform/ .
Please send spare underwear and a spare set of clothes in with your child in their book bags just in case they may need to change. This will minimise the risk in lending clothes from school. As the children will have lockers this year, we advise against big bags and if possible, recommend just using the book bag where possible. Please also remember to bring a coat to school even if the weather looks fine in the morning as this can change throughout the day and we like to use the outdoor area as much as possible.
If you would like any further information then please do not hesitate to contact me either using the email link below or leaving a message at the office.
Many thanks
Ms Walters