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Lesson 1 - Maths 

15 minute starter 

Practise your 10 times table on Times Tables Rock Stars - your child's login can be found in their yellow reading record book. Remember I can see who has logged on!


Watch the video and complete the worksheets below. If you cannot print worksheets at home your child can complete the work in their red exercise book.

Related facts - addition and subtraction (2)

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If your child has been given the CGP Maths Workout Reception Level please follow the link below and complete session 1

Lesson 2 - Phonics

Please note which CGP Phonics book your child has been given and complete the corresponding work below.

Book 3

  • 'The Alphabet', pages 28 - 29

Book 4

  • 'oi', pages 28 - 29


Book 5

  • 'Writing Tricky Words 3', pages 28 - 29

Lesson 4 - English

Today you are going to start writing your autobiography. You may like to write it in your red exercise book or you may like to create a piece of work on a separate piece of paper which we could display at school. It would be lovely if you could include photographs or drawings in your autobiography too!


I would like you to write an introductory paragraph about yourself including your name, date of birth and information about where you live. I would also like you to write a paragraph about your family. Remember to use your planning.


Watch the video below for ideas or look at William's autobiography using the link below.


Still image for this video

Lesson 4 - History

Today we are going to learn all about the stages of life, have a look at the presentation below to help you understand the different stages we go through in life.


Can you spot which stage you have already gone through? Which stage are you at now?

I think you have been a baby, a toddler and now you are a teenager. Am I right?


Your task today is to sort some pictures into the three main areas of childhood - baby, toddler and then child. You can either use some pictures of yourself and then sort them onto the three areas or I have attached some pictures below. If you cannot get any pictures please feel free to draw a picture of a baby, a toddler and a child and label them.


For an extra challenge can you complete the stages of life timeline.   

Lesson 5 - PE

Click the link below and join in with Cosmic yoga for your weekly yoga session.

Trolls | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

A Cosmic Kids yoga adventure with the Trolls all about bringing happiness to the world!⭐
