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Lesson 1 - Maths

Starter activity 

Practise your 10 times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars. Remember I can see who has logged on and how long for!

The worksheets for todays lesson have been provided in your child's pack and you can find the answers below.

Subtraction - crossing the 10 (2)

Still image for this video
If your child has been given the White Rose Maths activity sheets they need to watch the video below and complete the corresponding sheets in their maths pack.

Lesson 2 - Phonics

Lesson 3 - Reading comprehension

CGP KS1 English Comprehension Targeted Question Book - 'Read the sign' page 16 and 'Finish the sentences' page 17

Lesson 4 - PSHE

PSHE Friday 26th February

Class TEAMS meeting