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3rd December

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Log in to TTRS using your login from your reading record and work on this for around 15 minutes. 



Today is our end of unit check for multiplication and division part 1. Below, are the Power Maths screens from the end of unit check. Please complete this by working out the answers in your project book, once you have completed them, please send them to me at and I will reply.

If you have a Y1 version of books, please visit the Year 1 page to see what to complete for Maths today.



Please follow the link below to take you to Mrs Jeffery's page for English today.

Once you have done this, please complete Page 2 and 3 of your reading comprehension book. If you have a Year 1 reading comprehension book, please complete pages 2, 3 and 4. 


This term in PSHE we are learning about being safe. As part of this, we must be able to understand what to do in an emergency. This afternoon, I would like you learn your full address, including postcode, and your telephone number. This information would be so important for the emergency services to locate you at home if you ever had to call them. Can you remember the number you call to reach them?
